When you look at a tree
You might not see serendipity
But think for a minute about
Living life in doubt
Never reaching above
Not finding anything you love
Back to the trees
that go on and on
without any regard
To the challenges it faces
Weathering all seasons
The changes it takes in stride
Knowing the cycle it must endure
Simply to survive
It reacts to the sun and wind
Giving us much needed air
It can produce food to no end
Its fruits it must bear
By design
It branches out
In many different directions
No doubt
Knowing a liner path
Is not the way
To go about survival
After hibernation
Planning it’s revival
On and on the cycle goes
More and more branches
Look at every which way they go
Up and out, reaching high
Up to the sky
The only clues are when
It meets its demise
You can view it’s struggle
Looking on the inside
But until that moment
All I can see
Is the simple bliss
Of serendipity
Where is the part where the decisions fly quickly and positive energy sparks, the timing feels right and obstacles melt away?
(Rewind to a month ago)
In 12 days time, I managed to dismantle so much, just by losing sight of my goals. Yup, that fast.
I’d quit caffeine, bad sugar and sweets. I’d cut back on smoking and my medications that I felt had begun to do more harm than good. I was exercising, eating well, sleeping well. I was able to find balance! Mixing in nature, lots of sunshine and music, life finally seemed to have a rhythm to it all. Things were finally moving forward, FLOWING AGAIN.
The true essence of now in my mind had finally set in
Until one fateful night, where I made a careless choice.
Spiraling down, so fast I couldn’t hardly keep up!
Holy cow man.. there went three doctors appointments, a job interview and all our weekly activities. I had a flat tire, my patience ran thin with the kids, my business was suffering neglect, the pets were not getting the attention they deserved. The weather changed and all the warm clothes were piled up in the laundry room. The yard became a jungle, the house was a mess. I accidentally ( and on a few occasions on purpose) broke all kinds of stuff because I was hasty or mad or neglectful or whimsical…..
Boils down to this~ life can be nothing but a big house of cards, tumbling away into oblivion at this point.
That one simple moment, the loss of a goal, can trickle so far and wide. That is the other AH HA moment….
When to quit, when to intelligibly move in another direction or when to drive straight ahead.
Timing disappears, stress reigns and conflicts are everywhere = Negativity
Being able to see your path along the way to a destination. The clarity of it all, setting forth toward your goal – that’s when it flips – the past falls away
~The future holds no worries~
And the self feels the present and truly knows the way to flow.
It is only then I can breathe easy, even if things on the outside look bleak. That is the moment I precisely know things will fall into place.
What I struggle to do is explain this to other people in my life. I’m not mean or uncaring or insensitive or even without emotion, it’s just that these feelings aren’t what I mean when my gut feels the FLOW
You do not go on a road trip with out some sort of destination in mind. Or into the ocean, or the sky…why would our lives be any different?
Why would someone hinder my positive forward motion, passing it off as maybe love (possessions) seemingly apparent to fill a void (not foster growth)? When this type of behavior is expected of me (ridiculous displays of devotion)
I shut down
To many people, due to my wide array of interests and ideas, I usually seem unfocused and all over the place. It is because those who judge and criticize can not wrap their head around the goals and dreams I am working hard to achieve.
My biggest challenge, I have now discovered, is not in reaching those goals. It is learning to stay focused and unwavering while fending off the put-downs. It is learning to fend off with out pissing off. I get so frustrated when I’m misunderstood. I can only explain so much, I can only adapt so much, before I utterly
I feel like a feral cat someone is trying to put in a cage, being lured by warmth, comfort and that fancy stuff out of a can on a pedastle plate ( don’t you just love manipulation at the expense of others selfish wants?)
I cannot help
So please, If you have an agenda, undoubtedly I will react
Please go and read this post, and then read as many as you can!
He inspired me to finally publish this blog, as I was fearful. Baring your soul to the world is a bit intimidating!
Each and every day, he spends his time uplifting others. His message, his attitude, his candor are all AMAZING!
So, what does that have to do with diving boards?
Are you the type to stick a toe in and wade down, or do you just jump right in?
Can you dive off the high dive? or only the side of the pool?
Do you check the depths of the water or go full-boar, head first?
These are questions that relate to life as well. It’s that balance we all try to achieve on a daily basis.
And what I’ve learned is getting a toe wet first accomplishes nothing for me! Diving in right away, I always find myself injured lol, because usually the “water” wasn’t deep enough, and of course I forgot to check!
That is my biggest challenge on a daily basis! Blogs like nicholasdagostino.com help me stay motivated and at the same time promote focus and balance.
I highly recommend you listen to his poem, titled “Gravity”, read his blog and begin your journey.
His book is titled “I’M READY FOR TAKEOFF” and he has begun a great new email campaign, so go now and get your BOARDING PACT and begin your new life! You will be so glad you did!