Category Archives: Photos
Park Trip
Loving life one day at a time
Today is English day at school. Not the fun part at first, either. I was never a fan of rules myself, and frankly, although important, grammar isn’t fun….normally
I found a great site, and it had so many things to choose from. The different nouns can be confusing. Indeed engaging games were found and learning commenced. We ended with adjectives, a wonderful lunch and reading time on the porch.
We’re reading Tales from the Odyssey, by Mary Pope Osborne. She really makes this classic come alive for the kids. It’s fun to read aloud as well. The best part? Here is the view my son had while listening to me read
As a mother and teacher, I receive so much joy from watching the wistful look on his face, as he imagines, dreams, empathizes and grows inside, learning the morals of the tales. With the sounds of the creek flowing over the rocks, the birds chirping and tufts of cotton (fall pollen is FUN) looking so pretty as the wind sweeps it by….. Nature is always making a movie!
I didn’t want to interrupt his zen moment so I decided to drop the trip back to the earlier lessons of the day. We could pick out ‘non-countable nouns’ and ‘adjectives’ later. All his friends just got off the bus, it’s time to go play 😀

Desperation, great advice and a solution
I was stressed, couldn’t even read, or type. Too tired to process anything else, I passed out EARLY, before kids, and slept a whole 9 hours
So I wake up to an intact, quiet house (dreaming?) and begin my day. It seemed innocent at first, a few bumps here and there, nothing major, & escaped to a local park to learn about our watershed issues. It was sponsored by the DEP and there were so many cool animals from the college’s herpetology lab among other displays.
A local water crisis really opened our eyes and hopefully most have not forgotten those many days with out water. Our valley faces many chemical and other environmental issues daily. So pretty, yet so toxic. Crazy
Most fish can not be eaten, or only MONTHLY, yup once a month AT MOST because of, get this, NOT ALL THE RUNOFF AND SPILLS
yup, acid rain. nice. im in lowercase because i feel so small. where to start, what can we do to recoup?
The kids learned about the water cycle and lots of other cool things. Hopefully these types of shows help the next generation make better decisions. Get this, even fruit, thrown out a car window, creates a ripple effect of road kill. the little critters bring out the big ones and next thing you know, SPLAT. I’ve never thought that apple core was harmful.
Oh, and we supported the local library 🙂 They are really having a hard time just keeping the utilities up and the technology running. Sad 🙁 Hope the Levy passes.
Now, I home-school my son and today would have been a fun way to give him credit, BUT, he didn’t see it that way, go figure. Said it was Saturday and he didn’t want to do school.
Enter Homeland DRAMA.
The encyclopedia (yes I have those still) proved less fun while still educational 🙂 He forgets that on a Tuesday we goof off while everyone else is at school and work. Oh, and no android, no youtube, no xbox. and yes, that means NO AUDIO BOOK (he’s 8, reads at a 7th gr level)! Read a real book. WE have hundreds! He hates me, he screams, I’m the worst mom EVER, yadayadayada.. I’m laughing by now, done yelling. “Whatever” is my new answer, oh & just get it done…
It’d frankly ridiculous what they feel is torture these days. Dub a tape off the radio lol or wait for Mtv to play a video & try to tape it on a VCR. Anyway,
..Teenage child lost her phone privilege & mad, did not attend show. She got to stay home and clean 🙂 I know, I’m mean. Life is mean too.
I need to know they will have common sense and accountability,be resilient and handle failure as a challenge, be responsible and contribute to society as adults. The rest is up to them.
Until then, welcome to my kingdom.
I was about to lose it. No one would let me get anything done. The internet was slow and losing connectivity (on a Saturday? no, not the we don’t throttle cable company) & both kids were doing homework so I couldn’t reset the router right then..I hop over to cell service and I get an email from my uncle
“So no doors, huh? I don’t have to tell you this, but it will be very challenging to succeed in business if you cannot get some bursts of focused, private time. Especially in a creative business like blogging, marketing and sales. Maybe you could put up a blanket fort with clothespins like we used to do when we were kids. ;-)”
Oh, and my official work mug, courtesy of teenage daughter’s beach trip
The kids still have radar, but at least I feel like I have a work space.
Next, is the glass roof bathroom & sunk-in bathtub ( calgon take me away…..) for star-gazing. I’ve got a great view of the southern sky. Someday…
The leaves are changing already
I’ve been trying to decide what to post and wanted to put up some drawings…
Until I looked outside. It’s going to be beautiful today, and I’m still plugging away at work. Timing..grrrr
The leaves have begun to change. Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty and all. I just am not ready.
This summer went waaayyyy too fast.
So in an effort to preserve the warmth and last bit of summery feel I can
I decided to post pictures of my rock garden
and my first ever rose bush 🙂
Enjoy your Friday
Picture Day!
So, I was thinking of what to post, and couldn’t find the right words.
I decided to post some pictures.
I am home schooling this year and many of our “lessons” will share
this same format, so consider this practice, too. Thank you
Most of the photos are just snippets in time, along the adventure of the day. Not much
planning goes into them. Sometimes, I will specifically set out to photograph an object.
Not often. Much to most people’s dismay, i’m too wrapped up in my bubble
And when I go on a walk up the hollow, I’m apt to become distracted
and when I “see” a picture ~ it seems I see thousands a day ~ some just POP out
So here is more of the walk
Begging to be captured as I step along the rocks and water. Engulfed in beautiful sounds of birds chirping, water trickling, the wind blowing. I feel awakened and calm all at once. I must be alert or I’ll slip or get soaked.
BUT…there is another spot, calling to be immortalized
in our space/time and to continue to exist, to carry on
Hope you enjoyed the glimpses of my walk. This is where I go to reset, recharge.
The rocks and trees the animals and plants
The sun and wind, all the bits and pieces
all exist in harmony. It’s one of the few places that do.