So many voices swirling around
Starting at the top
working their way down
Telling me what to do
when and how
While I’m trying to get
them all to shut up now
So I can hear the voice
from within
Demanding to be heard
over the din
Commanding its presence over
all the logic and emotions
Chaotically fighting this
inner felt notion
of clarity and knowing
Utilizing the power
that drives the ocean
Harnessing my energy
igniting synchronicity
Aligning one’s self
to the Source
Sending away the
logical voices
No longer doubting
my intuitive choices
You Promised
to keep me safe
to care for me
to never leave
You said you loved me
more than anyone
We built our lives, our dreams
and it’s so wrong
your aren’t here
I don’t know what to do now
I hate fear
I mourn for normalcy
I cry for my family
I yearn to feel you close
I feel lost, abandoned
I pray for the Lord
to heal our broken souls
To learn to trust again
To learn to feel safe again
It wasn’t supposed to
be this way

I feel so much better now
Storm has finally passed
Clarity, in spite of the mess
My path
Oh thank you for the blessings
Now it’s time to keep forward motion
I see calm seas ahead of me
And the waves
will come and go
At least i know
my ship can weather the storms
Nature’s fury is unpredictable
My choices and reactions
need no longer be
I’ve done it! I’ve made it!
The sun warms my face
The next time around
I’ll TRUST my faith
I’ll RELY on my resolve
I’ll BE impenetrable
NM 10-07-14
Feel the verve, enjoy reflections of the soul