©Misty Mountain Reverie 2015
Who on earth
are you
to tell me
what I need
to do?
As if I asked
for your advice
Or indicated
I was struggling
with a vice
I’m quite happy
don’t you see?
Oh no, wait ha-ha
With you it’s always
“All about ME”
Because I’m not
fulfilling an
expectation of your’s?
Take your pathetic
projections and shove
it up your drawers
Your arrogance and
condescending tone
Are laughable at best
At the very least
just go home
Lord, is this a test?
To see if I can find
compassion and forgiveness
Trying to convince you
I will never feel
your indifference
Just let me get back
to the beautiful space
I create
Before your
Miserable spirit thought
It had a hand
In my
©Misty Mountain Reverie 2015
When I say I want
To be left alone
Please don’t read
Into emotions I’ve
Not yet shown
You’ve done nothing
Wrong, there is
No one else
Nothing is “going on”
Understand my time is
Precious to me
There are things I want
To do with out you
Can’t you see?
Fretting is useless
try understanding please
My Art, my Muse, my mind
Need downtime and space
To create, absorb or find
The next endeavor
I’ll partake
Taking this personal
Is simply selfish
My world is not
Your’s to take
The moment I need to
Re-explain this
You’ll fine me
Gone without a trace
Respect me, care for me
See me for who I am
Otherwise, believe me
You’ll take a hike
Quicker than I
Can say Shazam
You Promised
to keep me safe
to care for me
to never leave
You said you loved me
more than anyone
We built our lives, our dreams
and it’s so wrong
your aren’t here
I don’t know what to do now
I hate fear
I mourn for normalcy
I cry for my family
I yearn to feel you close
I feel lost, abandoned
I pray for the Lord
to heal our broken souls
To learn to trust again
To learn to feel safe again
It wasn’t supposed to
be this way
Feel the verve, enjoy reflections of the soul