Today is English day at school. Not the fun part at first, either. I was never a fan of rules myself, and frankly, although important, grammar isn’t fun….normally
I found a great site, and it had so many things to choose from. The different nouns can be confusing. Indeed engaging games were found and learning commenced. We ended with adjectives, a wonderful lunch and reading time on the porch.
We’re reading Tales from the Odyssey, by Mary Pope Osborne. She really makes this classic come alive for the kids. It’s fun to read aloud as well. The best part? Here is the view my son had while listening to me read
As a mother and teacher, I receive so much joy from watching the wistful look on his face, as he imagines, dreams, empathizes and grows inside, learning the morals of the tales. With the sounds of the creek flowing over the rocks, the birds chirping and tufts of cotton (fall pollen is FUN) looking so pretty as the wind sweeps it by….. Nature is always making a movie!
I didn’t want to interrupt his zen moment so I decided to drop the trip back to the earlier lessons of the day. We could pick out ‘non-countable nouns’ and ‘adjectives’ later. All his friends just got off the bus, it’s time to go play 😀