Why do people want to see
People stuck in misery
Why do they want to hurt
you after they’ve drug you
Through the dirt
Why would anyone cling to
anger and hate
Be a bully, be mean, be irate
Threaten a roof over someone’s head
Time and again for no reason
When you have a place of your own now
Is it simply just the season?
Why, when there are children who care
And want to feel safe in their home
Who just want peace and happiness
Who cared for you like their own?
Do you get a rise out of fear and pain
Do the threats make you feel bigger
Can you not refrain
From stomping your feet
every time you don’t get your way
Undermine forward movement
Unless it’s your own
To relish being an ass
Instead of the man I’d known
All because you can’t handle your own pain
Your own demons,your own guilt your own suffering
Do you feel bigger now
knowing you sent us running
Just know, no matter what you throw my way
I will always land on my feet
My spirit will never be broken
I will always live in love and peace
For I know what’s right and
I know what’s in my heart
I know what good people deserve
And I know bad people
need help even more
I pity your soul
And the day
you meet your maker