When I say I want
To be left alone
Please don’t read
Into emotions I’ve
Not yet shown
You’ve done nothing
Wrong, there is
No one else
Nothing is “going on”
Understand my time is
Precious to me
There are things I want
To do with out you
Can’t you see?
Fretting is useless
try understanding please
My Art, my Muse, my mind
Need downtime and space
To create, absorb or find
The next endeavor
I’ll partake
Taking this personal
Is simply selfish
My world is not
Your’s to take
The moment I need to
Re-explain this
You’ll fine me
Gone without a trace
Respect me, care for me
See me for who I am
Otherwise, believe me
You’ll take a hike
Quicker than I
Can say Shazam