I don’t know how to feel or think
When it comes to you
and where I fit on my end
And I feel so lopsided
You are my soul mate
You are the man of my dreams
But, I am not yours
And that’s ok, right now~~~
But will I ever rise above your past?
The memories?
The regrets?
The loss?
Will I ever become your dream girl?
Or will someone, someday
sit and hear the stories of “us”
on a Saturday morning?
NM 3-3-10
Aw. You deserve true love and so you will find it! 🙂
Thank you! Although , here recently, I’ve come to realize my true love is the Lord, as humans have not fully reached the true understanding. I believe in unconditional love. We do not belong in a box. If I find that in a human I would be amazed! But, I’m just fine the way things are now. And maybe, you’re right as well. Only Time will tell.
Amazing. True. Love. Would be. Amazing. But I’d. Rather. Have a love. That is unlike. And ever spoke. Of. Never know. What. Around. The next turn. It could be a lot closer than you know